Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Well I've found a church that goes out to a pub after the it looks like that's the one I'll be sticking with.  Just kidding.  But it has a nice group and is primarily young, and is fairly small which is nice for us socially awkward people.  I'm going to check out Park Street another time, but there you go.

Also...why is all of my food rotting and why does Comcast and Nstar and whatever else keep sending me bills and why am I constantly having to pay taxes?  What is this nonsense?  I'm spending too much money as it is!  Actually, taxes may be the single factor that causes me to become a raging Republican.  Being an adult is lame.

And in other news, this blog is going back to scheduled programming tomorrow, as tonight concludes the month of October.  I've got some real treats in store for you all...oh wait...


Greg said...

Are you going to vote?

Emily said...

urgh...i don't have an absentee ballot this time around and i'm not sufficiently settled to be registered in the state of massachusetts...but isn't voting tomorrow?

but well done, you've managed to make me feel guilty in a way that even the combined efforts of my grandparents couldn't accomplish :)

does mrs w have her ballot done?