Friday, October 1, 2010


So I'm sorry I've broken my promise already and am having to backdate these first days of October in addition to the ones from the past week.  It's been ridiculously chaotic around the place, and I don't even have an official internet connection, but hopefully - I think? - things are only improving from here on out?  Yes?  Yes!

So where's "here"?  Well, on Friday, October 1, "here" was any number of 1am, "here" was squashed in the middle of a bench seat of a moving van, grasping white-knuckled to pleather while careening through buckets of ex-hurricane, over pitch-black hill and dale, with several tons of furniture rocketing along behind.  Then, around 2am, "here" was in a small ball on the corner of a hotel bed, having an (immensely pathetic) emotional breakdown upon the discovery that the back of the moving van was not, in fact, watertight, and that the contents of my suitcase were on the humid side.  At 8am, "here" was the godforsaken breakfast bar of said hotel.  And so on and so on...around 12 noon, "here" was a repeat of the early hours, minus the pitch-blackness.  We finally rolled into Boston by midafternoon, and paused only to collect the apartment keys before myself and my poor mother and father unloaded the moving van in the twinkling of an eye, somehow between bouts of torrential downpour, so that my mattress emerged practically (!) dry and the wooden whatsits had not a rainspot in sight.

All in all, a fairly positive day, although I won't deny that the French restaurant at the end really helped to fill the glass half full.

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