Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat

Well I've found a church that goes out to a pub after the it looks like that's the one I'll be sticking with.  Just kidding.  But it has a nice group and is primarily young, and is fairly small which is nice for us socially awkward people.  I'm going to check out Park Street another time, but there you go.

Also...why is all of my food rotting and why does Comcast and Nstar and whatever else keep sending me bills and why am I constantly having to pay taxes?  What is this nonsense?  I'm spending too much money as it is!  Actually, taxes may be the single factor that causes me to become a raging Republican.  Being an adult is lame.

And in other news, this blog is going back to scheduled programming tomorrow, as tonight concludes the month of October.  I've got some real treats in store for you all...oh wait...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Eve

I got to go out last night to a little costume party, dressed as a Domino, which was quite fun (and the apple cider was delicious!), so I'm backdating once again. 

In other news, I've finished decorating the apartment, and I've baked some bread, and I'm knitting a scarf.  Domestic!  Autumn is really settling in and, as the month comes to a close, so am I.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Office Antics

So I'm coming up on a month at work and while generally I'm settling in, some things just haven't changed much from day one.  I'm still sitting in the hallway (although I now have a small convex mirror that reflects any people trying to sneak up behind me)...I am still learning linux (although i've moved onto data analysis and bash script writing...yeah I don't know, either) and my computer is still only half-working.  Barbarosa (sorry, I left out a syllable in that earlier entry) isn't set up yet.  in an effort to get the old seadog up and running, I sent an email to the help desk to ask them about my windows platform.  This is the email I got in return.
>> Here's a good way to verify that Windows is working:
>> 1. Power the computer on.
>> Any problems let us know. Thanks.
>> --Sam
Do I spot a little attitude?  Hilarious as this is...the computer still isn't fixed.  And it's not the only instance of intractability I've run up against, unfortunately.  For instance, I need to access the e-journal subscriptions if I'm going to be writing papers, but I can't get access to the subscriptions unless I have a library PIN, and I can't get a library PIN without a Harvard ID, and I can't get a Harvard ID without a PhD or MD.  Ironically, I'm working at this job, analyzing data and writing papers, to accomplish a long-term goal of a doctorate...oh hey ever read that book Catch-22?

Anyway, the people I deal with on a day-to-day basis are quite cool so I'm not trying to say I hate my job by any stretch...but there you go.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Brianna is here!  We saw Drea!  Indian food for dinner!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More of the Same

Just a continuation of past events today...I got some more exciting packages in the mail (this time, the housewarming gifts from my lovely grandparents - plants and stuff!)...and before that, it was programming and reading and going to a lecture on acupuncture.

Tomorrow though..!  I am going out to dinner with Drea after work, and if that wasn't exciting enough I am bringing along with me a little surprise.  And by little surprise I mean a 6-foot, blonde, Canadian surprise. I haven't told Drea yet that I'm bringing Bri along...and I guess I'm not going to now.  Anyway, true to form, Bri will be my first out-of-town visitor to the Northernmost Ruzich Outpost.  Just like old times (at U of Richmond, complete with term finals and ducks) but better!  Definitely less finals...possibly more ducks.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


How exciting!  I got home all in a huff after running around to ten different places, dumping a gigantic load of cash off for no good reason ("rent", I think it's called), and trying to get some extra keys cut before all the shops closed, and was muttering over the pile of mail my downstairs neighbor insists on leaving to rot on the doorstep, when I opened the door and walked smack into a box!  And not just any box...this box was nearly as tall as I am, and was wrapped all around with some really menacing-looking tape.  Best of all: this box was addressed to moi!

"Who is mailing me dead bodies?" I wondered.  "Halloween isn't until this Sunday..." But the box was much too light to be holding anything of that (unnatural) nature, so I dragged it up the stairs - carefully - and parked it inside the hallway while I ran to get some scissors.

A nasty gouge to the palm and an entire garbage back of packing peanuts later, I had unearthed two mummified, bubble-wrapped picture frames.  I hate packing peanuts.  There's absolutely got to be another way.

A half hour of clean-up after thattt and the pictures were unveiled!  Or rather, I should say prints - because they are these fantastic beyond fantastic prints of a London map I cut out of a touring atlas from the turn of the previous century.  I know, defacing a book, but now they will be appreciated.  And Dad told me to do it.  Slash did it for me.  And the rest of the atlas is fine.  Thanks Dad!

These are much better in person, too.  ...Now to hang them...

Oh and umm also I got my first letter today, from Mom.  Mom: your smaller offering is no less worthy - news from home is always welcome, and Dad neglected to include a note in his.  So thanks!

Monday, October 25, 2010

False Alarm

Well, I thought there would be subject testing today but it turns out I got up late and went into work around 11 for nothing...oops...I will have to make it up by being extra-efficient and employeelicious for the next week.  And maybe come in early next Monday as well.  Or not...I'm not totally sure I was even missed?

Anyway, the good news is that instead of learning about magnets after 5pm, I got to come home and make a gigantic batch of pasta sauce that I can freeze and eat over the next month...or two...or ten.  Hurrah!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


...Bleh so I was sick on Sunday and did a whole lot of nothing, and then went to bed early, without even I'm backdating this to midnight.  'Tomorrow' (today) is a late day at the lab which I am hopeful will teach me some new stuff about working with nuclear magnetic resonance.  Woo!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Russian Life

Tonight, coming home on the T, a large and suspicious-looking man turned to me and asked, "Are you Russian?  I have a friend whose face is like yours."  To which I tersely replied, "No," and got off the train at the next stop.

But what he didn't know is that I have been channeling my inner Russian all day.  And that's because I've been being *social* - my inner Russian is a high-fashion, carmine-lipped force of nature who has a mesmerizing power over crowds, strangers, and close acquaintances, may occasionally offend but never alienates, is equipped with an uncanny ability to jump into the most esoteric of conversations with utmost ease, and will make a flawless entrance and an even better exit.  As an added bonus, the inner Russian may be just barely 5'2", but even the most hardened of criminals would think twice about following her down a dark alley, unless it was to offer her a light.

Yep, I loathe cocktail parties.  I hate that out-of-body experience I get where I can see myself surrounded by small groups of chatting people doing their best to ignore me.  I end up feeling very self-conscious about the things my ankles are doing, and my elbows.  I have no idea how to hold a full glass and a plate of hors d'oeuvres and actually eat the things that are on the plate without spilling the glass down my front.  I have a history of nervously chugging whatever is in the glass and then feeling more aware than ever about my wobbly ankles. 

And okay that may be a bit melodramatic.  But I signed up for two such events today and survived them both - passed both, even, with if not flying than certainly swiftly jogging colors - so I feel licensed to exaggerate the scene so as to make my victory all the more victorious.  Anyway, it's my blog.  And a Molotov cocktail for anyone who disagrees!

[Incidentally, I had a good time - both at the house party with Ang, people from work, and from Harvard and MIT, as well as at the girl's night in with Drea, people from church, and from BU and Berklee.  No new Facebook friends yet...but give me time.]

Friday, October 22, 2010

Push to the Weekend

Gah, SLEEPY.  And I keep dreaming in Linux command terminal...truly the stuff of nightmares.

Today after work though I decided to get some fresh air - and some groceries - and so took the bus to Whole Foods (verdict: milk is slightly more expensive than at Going Bananas and slightly less expensive than at White Hen).  No, taking the bus is not my idea of brisk exercise (yet): I left the grocery store and headed west rather than east, walking around the parks, down into the center of town, through the financial district, and, after about four miles, back to the North End.  I even got home in time to snag the last loaf of whole wheat bread from Parziale's.  I was hoping, in the course of my expedition, to get some photos of the fall foliage, but to be honest, I don't understand what everyone is raving about...the woods behind the YMCA back home are much more impressive.  Perhaps when everyone gushes over Boston's autumnal splendor, they really are talking about Massachussetts' (and correspondingly, Pittsburgh isn't thattt great in October - Pennsylvania is).  

I did, however, find some really nice front doors on my walk.  On Beacon Street, the block bordering Public Garden, to be precise.  If you're feeling particularly nosy (or idle), check them all out by using Google street view...and while you're at it, see if you can spot the freaky disappearing bicycle rickshaw man.

Anyway.  Tomorrow I'm going to *socialize* so that should add some further variety to the ol' blog.  Brace thyselves...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bicycle Redux

In an effort to be more exciting, I took my bicycle out of the basement...yes, that's right, strictly for the purpose of having a blog-worthy experience.  New levels of eh, eh?

Anyway, I am including a PHOTO of said bicycle to further spruce things up:

My fan base (Mom.  ...Alyssa?) might be having a sense of deja vu, because I did something quite similar almost exactly two years ago.  Man, my bike might have gotten classier (despite a lack of basket), but my skill and dedication as an amateur author has most definitely suffered.  Also...I read through that entry and its sequel, written a day later - because I wasn't feeling melancholy enough, right? - and wowww how long ago was that?  And how strange - the person whose lecture I walked into late due to the brakes that wouldn't die turned out to be the very same person who rejected me from graduate school!  Karma's a bia...also, I feel much more harmonious with the universe.  It's like everything makes sense.  Or wait.

ANYWHO back to the present.  Aren't bicycles the best?  They're so beautiful!  And simultaneously so utilitarian!  There's almost nothing in them that doesn't have a function...

This little Peugeot, though, is a particularly sexy little machine.  Yeah look at those fenders....and I tricked her out with flashy lights and a bell.  Did I mention the step-through?  Because as a ladies' bike, there's gotta be a step-through.  The vintage gear shifts, the white vinyl seat and matching rubber handle grips, the 1980s dayglow decal?  Perfection.  I got her from my mom, so you know it's the real deal...the restoration costs were a bit steep, but worth! it!

Boston drivers being what they are, I'm a little concerned about taking the Peugeot out and about before I know my way around the city (not to mention I like the way my face is arranged currently).  Still, tooling around the North End's back alleys and one-way streets isn't too strenuous, so I struggled out of the tiny basement door, helmet in hand (yeah, next time I'll put it on beforehand so I don't brain myself on the lintel and nearly crash back down the cement stairs under 25 pounds of pointy metal tubing), and found my way to the post office and the hardware store.  That place, incidentally, has everything. 

Maybe I'll stop back tomorrow to find a nice wire basket?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Day in the Life

UM.  So the problem with having a regular schedule consisting of a nine-to-five job is that things are pretty repetitive.  And the teensiest boring.  And unbloggable - not in an interesting way.

But I'm going to do it anyway.

Today, in a nutshell, was: wake up, shower, dress, breakfast, drop egg carton onto tile floor (bah), read journal articles, go to work, sit in hallway at desk, pull hair out over fMRI analysis software, lunch (chicken picata yummm!), more scalp-shredding - like that New Yorker article, did you read it? eww - until chat with Polly and co., peace out via bus, post office, emails and general computer putzing, dinner, Doctor Who, nostalgic tea and inCREDIBLE cream puff, shower (wait...I just realized I showered twice today...well that would explain the damp towel), reading about Boudicca, and (I'm projecting here) bed by midnight.


But heyyy I've got another ten days of real-life entries to get down, sooo I'll try to start being more interesting.  Or I'll start making stuff up.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gigantic Nerds

...Well it's the third week of work and I have just made a pretty intense discovery.

That's right, today I've come to the realization that I am working with the geeks of the world.  Although - to be honest - it's been coming on for some time, and I should probably have figured it out sooner.  They're neuroscientists, physicists, and 'analysts'.  But what really brought it all home for me is, while I was going through the computer networks on Linux, all the directories were named (as it turns out) after Transformers.  The robot/aliens who turn into cars.  And stuff.  I don't really follow, but this is what I am gathering from Wikipedia...if anyone has more information, please let me know.  Anway, my own personal Linux platform is called Soundwave, after a talking robot who apparently turns into a cassette tape.  And is evil.  ...I know.

That's not all, because it would seem that my Windows platform is named Barbossa.  I'm not really sure why, but I guess someone else in the lab is into...swashbuckling?  Whereas all the Linux machines are Tranformers, all the PCs get to be pirates.

In my former lab, the Macs were all named after trees.  I was often on Birch, I believe.  And I feel like at this point I ought to make some sweeping statement about what this all means...but honestly, I just can't even begin.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Miss MEG

Pretty long day today...after five, while everyone else was packing up to go home, I traipsed over to the MEG lab and got to hang out with gigantic magnets.  It was at once incredibly cool - rooms shielded from the Earth, humming computers, pointy pointy needles - and also eerily similar to last year - waveforms, NuPrep gel, and unforseen subject-related problems that cut recording time short.  Truly haunting.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Day two of church shopping!  And this was Church of the Cross (conveniently, where Drea goes).  Less weirdness than at Park St, but I haven't settled down yet...we shall see where I end up.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

These Boots Are Made For Walking

I spent most of the day trekking around the city (in boots, no less) - the weather was sunny, if rather windy, and I wanted to get out and explore things further afield.  I still haven't crossed the river but I did make it to Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Beacon Hill, the Back Bay, and back through Boston Common to Haymarket, where I picked up a number of nice veggies for a gorgeous cottage pie. 

Dinner and a movie and it looks like another relatively quiet weekend for me (but I have tea and chocolate, so I won't complain too loudly).

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ether Day

Today is Ether Day at Mass Gen - sounds fun, yes?

Well it commemorates the landmark event that occurred on Oct. 16, 1846 (yes, tomorrow is the 16th, but tomorrow is also a Saturday).  On that date, at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. William T. G. Morton became the first to use ethyl ether to anæsthetize a patient.  Go science!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bizarre Novelties

Three items of moment for this Thursday (my second in Boston!):

1) In between killing a small forest while printing out relevant journal articles about chronic pain and acupuncture (not to mention this fascinatingly grisly number by the New it, I dare you), I had my first MGH/Martinos Center MRI!  Yes, it could be argued that it's mildly masochistic of me to voluntarily lie perfectly still within the bore of a giant magnet for several hours while idly imagining large, pointed, and heavy metallic missiles whizzing towards my helpless skull.  Safety training really drove home the magnetic aspect of MRI by unleashing scissors and fire extinguishers on a watermelon located within the field...pun intended.  Right, but on the other hand, I think it's a good idea for researchers to submit themselves to what they plan on submitting their subjects to, plus I made some pseudo-friends!  The researchers were really friendly and made a start at showing me the ropes.  Plusss, MRI studies pay well.  Just sayin'.

2) After work, I went on a pilgrimage to Whole Foods (...) to look for live potted herbs.  I struck out, although they did say they were getting them in this weekend.  Also they had nice Chinese lantern flowers and dried lavender.  Exciting stuff, but that's not the point.  What is the (hugely awkward) point is that I ran into an ex-realtor, Paul, who showed us about fifteen properties and who I ended up dissing when I got the place I'm currently staying at.  ...HI PAUL!!! was my reaction, after quite literally attempting to running away.  Fun times.  He recommended I look for plants down the road.  And it looks like I'll be on the hunt for alternative grocery stores, ones that aren't so expensive and populated by ghosts of properties past.

3) I got back to the apartment and for a minute or so thought the locks had been changed, but it turns out that someone had been in and out of the place and had locked the doors weirdly.  I am thinking it was probably the dishwasher repairman, because now my dishwasher works (YAY).  I'm not 100% sure about that, actually, given that it makes a noise somewhere between tsunami and trash compacter...but the dishes don't appear broken, and there's no water on the floor...and the burning smell is gone...what else could one ask for?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baked Goods

Mike's Pastry: 300 Hanover Street

Modern Pastry: 257 Hanover Street

Maria's Pastry: 46 Cross St Boston

So far I'm voting for Modern on the basis of cannoli and chocolates (not to mention that it's slightly more trendy and less touristed...oh hi there did I mention I'm slightly pretentious?), but I haven't fully explored Maria's - although the atmosphere isn't as...atmospheric - and I diddd just have an incredible cream puff from Mike's that makes me think this battle of the bakeries is far from over.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Fairly average day...le job is almost (but not quite) falling into a rhythm, the old apartment is pretty much status quo - I am still hunting for a nice flower or shrub or bunch of twigs to put in a pot next to the kitchen table - and I cooked some meat for the first time (!).  It was some sausage.  Excitement abounds.

Monday, October 11, 2010

First Week

I've been here on my own for one week now, well done me...

Living in the North End is not living in Italy.  But it is - in some ways - rather like living in Italy.  I would imagine.

There is a man who lives down the street who, every Sunday, takes a plastic lawn chair and sits on the corner and listens to Frank Sinatra while watching the world go by.  There are Catholic churches and shops that sell handmade leather shoes, and thinly sliced meats, and cafes where you can buy a latte in the morning and an espresso after noon.  Laundry hangs across the back streets (although why, when it rains every other day, I'm not quite sure).  I went into the local supermarket and asked where I could buy a mezzaluna and a passatutto, and not only did the checkout girl know what I was talking about, she knew where to direct me.  Turns out the hardware store across the street had what I was looking for, in addition to terracotta flower pots and potholders with little Italian flags on them. 

And while you're just as likely to hear a tourist group speaking English - or French, or Japanese - as you are Italian...and while it looks like it's going to rain six out of the next seven days (and not rise above 65 degrees even once)...while it seems like it's primarily the over-fifties that are immersed in the recreation of Old Country lifestyle...well, va bene - I am crossing back over the Atlantic by degrees.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Not much else to add, though - today's date is almost certainly the most interesting aspect of the day.

Got up, ate an egg (protein!), chilled out, went to church, chilled out some more.  Might read later.  Needless to say, the big party town Boston allegedly is hasn't made much of an impact as of yet.

Tomorrow's going to be pretty big though; despite it being Columbus Day, I'm going into administer MEG!  So stay tuned...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday with John, Paul, George and Ringo

Shortly upon moving in, I located Boston's classic rock radio station (the oldest in the country, apparently!  Celebrating their 25th birthday!  Although...25 years ago, wasn't classic rock just called...rock?  Maybe not, maybe not.); I've been enjoying listening to Led Zepplin and the Rolling Stones in the shower ever since. 

However, something special's going on at 100.7 WZLX today, because it's the 70th anniversary of John Lennon's birth.  They're celebrating by playing the Beatles A to Z this weekend, which makes me very happy - the Beatles were my first favorite band, you know.  If you're not in Boston but want to tune in as well this weekend, check out their website, there's a place where you can stream live!

I'm hating to tear myself away from "Lovely Rita," but I've been meaning to go explore the local shops (hardware and grocery, not shoe and jewelry)...hopefully I'll be back before the O's!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The Job Thus Far

I definitely should have taken some kind of computer programming course at some point in my education...

because you know Linux?  Me either, really.  I think I am figuring it out, but I'm continually having flashbacks of trying to master this game in during middle school Earth Science classes.  (Hey, just because I turned out to be a neurobiologist doesn't mean I care about plate tectonics.  Much.)  That game, incidentally, is worth playing if you are familiar with Douglas Adams / a giant nerd.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today's been the first sunny day in a bit, and although it was somewhat blustery, overall I am feeling positive.  Firstly, I'm learning how to work in Linux, which is always an adventure...I've also figured out the shuttle system to and from work, and I've located the Whole Foods so that if the little groceries nearer to where I live are out of lemons or closed on Sundays, I'll have a backup plan.  And if I sliced my finger while preparing dinner, well at least the new knives are sharp; likewise I'm going to look with positive anticipation on the passive-aggressive battle of the front door locks that's brewing with Ms. Downstairs and her two yappy dogs.  Oh yes.  Bring it!  I've got my stomping boots on, and her ceiling is my hardwood floor.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fear and Loathing in Boston

I'm now relaxing in my $45 wingback (pristine!), listening to this song and partaking of some tea and brownies...but most of the day has been filled with some sort of angst or another.  Eh, I suppose these days happen to everyone.  And in reality it wasn't so bad...

I suppose most people fear the first day of a new job (?) but I had already met my supervisor and we seemed to rub along nicely...and anyway, I really do intend to like doing research.  I was a bit anxious, though, walking across the Worrisome Bridge on my way to work.  It was raining when I woke up, and the wind had picked up, and so I - fear of depths and all - had to pick my way across the river via slick metal mesh while still only half-awake.  The whole way, eyes on turbulent water and braced against gusty weather I was envisioning disaster (and before I had gotten a chance to file my life insurance policy, too!).

The rest of the morning, however, was pretty uneventful (if soggy)...almost too quiet: I hardly even met anyone.  About the only amusing tidbit I can provide is the location of my desk.  A hallway.  It's pretty awkward, although apparently it hasn't helped me to make new friends yet.

The afternoon was filled with RAGE at Comcast...but to be honest, I really don't want to get into it again.  Grr.  I sincerely hope the issue will be resolved by the weekend, but I have my doubts.

Oh, PS!  I've finally met both of my neighbors!  One of them seems pretty cool...the other one...less.  That's all I'll say for now; first impressions aren't always the most accurate.  (But these are.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

List Time

I am looking forward to the time when I can stop walking around chanting lists to myself like some sort of demented religious zealot.  Thing.  Orientation is at last over (it ended on a somewhat treacly note...and I will say no more.  The goal is not to use this month to get fired from my place of employment in time-honored blogging tradition.), but I am going to have to go back at some point to follow-up on my TB test - a.k.a. I've just been infected with tuberculosis - and I've finally got high-speed wireless installed, but I am going to have to phone the morons at Comcast tomorrow to tell them that yes, they are in fact morons.  Or something like that.  I've got it written down somewhere.

Still no white coat, but I am hopeful that it is just on the horizon, as the JOB officially starts tomorrow and I am p.u.m.p.e.d!  Also tomorrow I may possibly see friend Drea, may possibly get the ingredients to make Pasta Bruno, should probably run down to the hardware store, and will definitely wash my bath towels, as they are leaving red fuzz on everything they touch. 

Until tomorrow, then!

Monday, October 4, 2010


In the words of Daffy Duck, "my room, bumpkin, I'm pooped!"  Seriously though, it's very excellent to have a place to come back to...orientation was rather grueling and continues along tomorrow with round two.  No white lab coat yet, but I did manage to pick up a library card on my way home, which was happiness in plastic form.  The world shall be my oyster!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tour de Force

Well I've recovered from a sensational ocular migraine obtained last night (if you've never experienced the intense and magical pinwheeling of an ocular migraine, I highly recommend it...or maybe not, if you're jumpy about things like strokes or aneurisms or retinal tears...) and am onto having adventures!

The apartment is officially sorted - I bustled about my OCD way after Mom and Dad left as a way of recovering from a brief bout of verklempt-osity...I also, you will be pleased to note (?), went on a little jaunt around the North End, etc., and tried to meet my upstairs- and downstairs-neighbors.  No luck with that last endeavor, so it looks like tomorrow I shall start to HUNT in earnest, but that's not the adventure for tonight.  Tonight, I bring you: Emily's In(s)ane Ramblings - Now With Video!


Grr well that totally didn't work.  For whatever reason.  Perhaps this shady internet connection is failing me, or perhaps the video is too long.  Orrrr perhaps the powers that be are preventing me from sabotaging myself and allowing me to post for all the world to see a catalog of my worldly possessions.  Ehh...well if you're really very interested, drop me a line and I will hook you up, either (a) with the video in all its glory, or (b) with a live! Skype tour.  Riveting stuff.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


More unloading and unveiling and untangling today...successful though.  That's what happens when my parents are involved.  Some days I wonder how I am going to manage on my own.  But I guess I'll find out shortly. 

Why Beantown, though?  What beans?  And what?

Well according to Boston-Online, Boston is called Beantown because people in Boston used to like to eat a lot of baked beans (but they don't anymore).

This seems lame to me. 

But I can't seem to find any other explanation.  There used to be a lot of beans here, I suppose, because it's more northern, and beans are filling and flavorful, and people had a lot of molasses to cook them in.  So they did.  They got the molasses from slavery.  (???)  Iiiiiii don't know...apparently there was a flood of molasses in 1919 in the North End..possibly around the corner from where I live!.., which sounds like something really worth writing about - or even, if it comes to that, nicknaming a city after.  But alas, it was (and is) not to be.  Not this time around, anyway.

Friday, October 1, 2010


So I'm sorry I've broken my promise already and am having to backdate these first days of October in addition to the ones from the past week.  It's been ridiculously chaotic around the place, and I don't even have an official internet connection, but hopefully - I think? - things are only improving from here on out?  Yes?  Yes!

So where's "here"?  Well, on Friday, October 1, "here" was any number of 1am, "here" was squashed in the middle of a bench seat of a moving van, grasping white-knuckled to pleather while careening through buckets of ex-hurricane, over pitch-black hill and dale, with several tons of furniture rocketing along behind.  Then, around 2am, "here" was in a small ball on the corner of a hotel bed, having an (immensely pathetic) emotional breakdown upon the discovery that the back of the moving van was not, in fact, watertight, and that the contents of my suitcase were on the humid side.  At 8am, "here" was the godforsaken breakfast bar of said hotel.  And so on and so on...around 12 noon, "here" was a repeat of the early hours, minus the pitch-blackness.  We finally rolled into Boston by midafternoon, and paused only to collect the apartment keys before myself and my poor mother and father unloaded the moving van in the twinkling of an eye, somehow between bouts of torrential downpour, so that my mattress emerged practically (!) dry and the wooden whatsits had not a rainspot in sight.

All in all, a fairly positive day, although I won't deny that the French restaurant at the end really helped to fill the glass half full.