Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Day in the Life

UM.  So the problem with having a regular schedule consisting of a nine-to-five job is that things are pretty repetitive.  And the teensiest boring.  And unbloggable - not in an interesting way.

But I'm going to do it anyway.

Today, in a nutshell, was: wake up, shower, dress, breakfast, drop egg carton onto tile floor (bah), read journal articles, go to work, sit in hallway at desk, pull hair out over fMRI analysis software, lunch (chicken picata yummm!), more scalp-shredding - like that New Yorker article, did you read it? eww - until chat with Polly and co., peace out via bus, post office, emails and general computer putzing, dinner, Doctor Who, nostalgic tea and inCREDIBLE cream puff, shower (wait...I just realized I showered twice today...well that would explain the damp towel), reading about Boudicca, and (I'm projecting here) bed by midnight.


But heyyy I've got another ten days of real-life entries to get down, sooo I'll try to start being more interesting.  Or I'll start making stuff up.

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