Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm now releasing some important and highly relevant information for you all.

Introducing...the difference between sweetbread and sweetmeat.

This is definitely not intuitive.

Sweetbreads: not! sweet! not! bread!
The OED says sweetbreads come in two types: neck and belly. Respectively, these are the terms for thymus and pancreas glands. So. Sweetbreads are offal (if not awful).

Sweetmeats: you may now be thinking, "well if that's what sweetbreads are, how much worse must sweetmeats be?" Well fret no more, because this latter confection is much more delicious. These appear to be any sort of pastry, candied fruit, sugared nut, etc. Hooray and phew...

But don't mix this up, my friends, or you could be in for quite the surprise.


Alyssa said...

Thank you so much for this clarification! Seriously, I'd have ordered sweetbread and died. D:

FYI, John is going to read too! :D

Love you!


Connie R said...

In the land of blog, Ryan Adams writes "Eat Me Daily" and has a series titled "Offal of the Week." The photos of raw hearts are worth the visit alone.

Emily said...

yay! hi john! you're number three :D

as to mom...i don't know about eat me daily, but here's a link to a book about food that's apparently well worth a read. maybe after you finish with 'eats shoots and leaves'...

it's called 'unmentionable cuisine'