Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obscure 80s Weekly

Okay so this might not be a weekly event...but there are certainly enough songs from the new wave/europop/video music era that don't get enough airtime...and so now I am bringing them to you. I bet you've never even seen the videos, either, which is a travesty.

And none of this "Tainted Love" and "Safety Dance" with a side of "I Melt With You" or "Rock Me Amadeus" business (as excellent as that is) - we are going for obscure. (I do have this problem where I grew up with 80s music and don't really know what, in the real world, is obscure and what is not...but I'm asking my suitemates and trying my best.) I'm here to knowledge you all!

So. An 80s music video for each day of the next week.

On Thursday, I give you: Spandau Ballet - Gold

Friday brings: Gary Numan - Cars

Saturday night, you can't go out without watching: Adam & The Ants - Stand and Deliver

For Sunday, something hilariously understated: The Twins - Face to Face (Heart to Heart)

Monday we have: The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep

Tuesday: Depeche Mode - Everything Counts

And, saving the best for last, Wednesday: ABC - The Look of Love

1 comment:

Connie R said...

I wanted to linger over each little gem, taking them one day at a time, but I was no match for their seductive power and gobbled them all in one night. Yum.

Here’s the challenge: match the random thought with the song:

•I think the drummer is chewing gum.
•Here is the fancy dress party I’ve always dreamed of
•Why are our dinners never this exciting? Huh?!
•I am enamored of the donkey that magically appears at the 40 second mark.
•A wondrous amalgam of Frankie Valli, Falco-Pout and Victoria’s Secret.
•Outrageous sweater, amazing dance moves.
•I swoon at your hair, Mr. Blonde Dude.