[Ehh so yesterday's post was kind of self-involved. Sorry! I won't let it happen again.
...Actually though, this only goes to show that I <3 researching, and so if you've got a random thing you want researched and blogged about, I'm your man. Woman. But drop me a line, and if it looks interesting then yay us.]
So. More discussion on SNOW! We got about a bajillion inches, and here they are.

And here is your snowy science fact: did you know that, while it may be too warm (duh) it's never too cold to snow? Snowfall has been officially recorded at temperatures of -35 (Fahrenheit), and snow crystals are created in the lab at -112. The reason you might think it can be too cold to snow is because cold air tends to be drier, but - as you will know if you've ever taken a science class worth its chalk-dust/dry-erase-marker-crud - correlation is not causation.
So there.
1 comment:
Auntie Patsie was talking about snow on the ground and sublimination. Work that into a blog--if you dare. :)
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