Sunday, January 24, 2010

Photos of Couples at Train Stations

I like photos of couples at train stations. So many questions to think about from just one slice of time:

1) Are they saying goodbye or hello?
2) Who is leaving? Who is returning?
3) Where are they going/have they been? Will it be/was it a long time? Is/was it somewhere interesting? Were/are they happy to have gone? Were/are they happy to be back?

Here are two black-and-white photos of couples at train stations.

That one was called Eternal Kiss.

And this one (without giving too much away) is Welcome Home.

What do you think? And which one do you like better? And why?


Connie R said...

I suppose the first picture is better lit, better framed, and all of that--but I like the second picture just because it looks more spontaneous, less staged. How 'bout you?

Emily said...

i agree with that completely.