Saturday, February 6, 2010

Time for another...


From Anne of Green Gables to you:

The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; big stars were shining over the silent fields; here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them.

I thought, what with the massive blizzard raging all along the East Coast, I couldn't let the last snow-related item on RecAnth be about how it's never too cold to snow and how (despite this fact) brave British men are willing to walk out into it on frostbitten, not to mention gangrenous, feet and nobly die in vain for their Arctic expedition. Anne has a more serene outlook on even the most bitter of snowy nights.

Tonight is Ring Dance (the traditionally romantic if vaguely creepy debutantesque ball traditionally held at the Jefferson Hotel by the junior Westhampton women of the University of Richmond). I missed last year's due to Oxford, but if the weather lets up, I suppose I'll be heading out this time it's good to know that evening snow isn't always sinister, especially as I'll likely be bare-legged.

1 comment:

Connie R said...

Lovely! But our recent snow didn't as much "powder the branches" as "ponder the branches" with weighty winter whiteness.