Friday, February 26, 2010

A Thing

I am running out of ideas...and it is only February...

But does anyone have that thing where they wake up and it's impossible to make a fist?  Try it is hard to remember to do first thing in the morning, but I wonder if it is just me.  And why it happens.

Also boding ill for my survival against attackers is that whenever I start to run, my ankles seize up and the tendons all freak out (?) and I almost fall over.  Anyone else...?

When the world comes to an end and we're live in a state of anarchy, I am not going to be one of the survivors.  I can't punch the bad guys when startled from sleep, and I can't run away from cannibals (etc.) without falling down. 



Alyssa said...

The fist thing TOTALLY happens to me!

Also, don't sweat the end of the world--don't forget the rapture! :P But yeah, I'd have a hard time fighting off cannibals myself.

Bri said...

Did you watch The Road?

Emily said...

well i readed it...there is no way i am watching anything that was originally a book by mr cormac, even if viggo is in it.

Bri said...

good call. Just wondering if it was on your mind when you were writing this.