Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lumberjack Sports

What? Lumberjacks can have sports, too. And not the normal kind of sports, like soccer or baseball or slalom...I'm talking about sports involving Lumber! and Plaid!

[By the way, I began investigating this when I came across the little factoid that Olympian Bode Miller's (ex?)-girlfriend was a log rolling champion. If you were wondering.]

Here is a list of some timber-related sporting activities (don't try these at home):
1) Log Rolling (of course): Two people stand on a log in a river and try to roll the other person off.
2) Speed Climb: Climb up a tree. Fast.
3) Double Buck: Cut a log with your friend.
4) Hot Saw: Cut a log into bits with a chainsaw. I have no idea.
5) Boom Run: Run across logs in a pool.
6) Underhand Chop (sounds nasty!): Stand on a log and chop it up with an axe. Try not to hit your foot.
7) Obstacle Pole Race: Pretty self-explanatory, except chain saws are somehow involved.
8) Springboard Chop: This looks pretty complex. Some combination of sawing and climbing, though.
9) Jack and Jill Chop: Like the Double Buck, but with your significant other.
10) Variants Thereupon.

I didn't see that one where you try to catch the falling tree, but maybe that one is only sanctioned by the Eastern European Lumberjack Association.


Connie R said...

You forgot the Chainsaw Toss and the Chew-a-Tree in half competitions. Oh, I do love lumberjacks.

Bri said...

And the axe throw!
Pole climb is also a favourite - super spiky shoes.
Um wanna come up to New Hampshire for the Woodsmen's meet in the spring? They hold this whole ridiculous competition on the green here. And I think anyone who loves plaid is welcome.