Monday, February 1, 2010


Well well well...quite the exhausting day...I thought I was going to have a Very Important Skype Interview with Oxford (is the official name...) and then, after getting no sleep, running around like a nervous duck and bouncing my elbows off of very hard objects, and sitting - on tenterhooks no less - in a frigid room for well over an hour, it turns out that there were some technical difficulties, and so launch has been postponed for tomorrow. :Dies:

So armed with this somewhat flimsy excuse, I am not exerting myself at all today, but instead Apple+C-ing from the sidebar. A list of a few of my favorite (Brit) things from oh, ages ago. No. 4 doesn't apply so much any more, and I seem to have had some serious preoccupation with emo-ness...but it's still all fantastic.

Although I won't be reading them this on my interview. It's not "intellectual/scientific" enough. Whatever. T minus 12 hours! (Again!)
  1. Chocolate Biscuits (!!!)
  2. The Phrase "As You Do" (hilarious. maybe.)
  3. Walking in the Rain (no, seriously)
  4. Reduced Drinking Age (because I can...)
  5. The Accents (duh.)
  6. Cycling in the Rain (still serious)
  7. Scarves (both wearing myself and also seeing boys in scarves)
  8. Minimal Daylight (yes, I'm a vampire)
  9. Old Buildings (remember that one summer I went to Architecture School...?)
  10. Indian Food (curry!)


Connie R said...

Nervous duck: giggles! :) Go boldly forth, Rat!

John Rocco Jennette said...

I think I have to agree with your BritList, except for maybe the 'minimal daylight' bit. My mates over there would ALWAYS say "As you do" (more as a joke on their own language than anything else). Actually it was an American who first called attention to it. Nevertheless, I find it immensely gratifying to see it on there. Also, YES on scarves and YES on accents. :)

Good luck with your Very Important Skype Interview! You're going to be great - just bring up chocolate biscuits and rain, you'll have those Oxford blokes no worries.

Emily said...

thanks for the words of encouragement...very frustratingly, the 'VISI' was postponed agaaain >_< i am supposed to take this as a lesson from above trust and be patient but i am finding it tres difficile.