Sunday, December 5, 2010

Play Games, All Sorts

Here are some old games that children (and adults?) would have played in days of yore.

Prisoner's Base - basically capture the flag, but I don't think any flags are involved.

Jacks - there are some spiky things, made of metal or stone or bone, and a ball, or something, and you have to pick up the spiky things before the ball, or whatever, bounces more than once.  I had a book about it as a kid, so I know how to play very well.

Blindman's Bluff - kind of like Marco-Polo out of water, a version of tag where one person is blindfolded and the others by turns tease and elude him/her until someone is captured.

Buck, Buck - I don't get this one...someone is on someone else's back and is making them guess something, but I don't know what the point is, or how to win, and I seem to recall my grandfather telling me about this game and I think it sounded a lot more violent.

Illustrations of these and others can be found here.  (a.k.a. see if you can figure out what the heck is going on, because I definitely can't.)

1 comment:

Connie R said...

One of these games also goes by the moniker "Johnny on a Pony." I'll leave you to guess which one. :)