Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Funny Words

One month left of this...try not to cry...

I am actually quite busy of late with work and appointments and whatnot, and so I am taking the easy route yet again and simply linking to another Wikipedia page on language.  Sorry.  Tomorrow will be better (maybe...I am going to a lecture on writing in c-shell after work so maybe not).

Here you go: Interesting English Words

And to whet your appetite (or attempt to get you to click the link)...

A large number of Modern English words spell the /ɪ/ or /aɪ/ sound with the letter y, such as rhythm, my, by, try, sky, why, wry, fry, gym, hymn, lynx, lynch, myth, pygmy, gypsy, myrrh, nymph, lymph, flyby, and syzygy.

Rhythms is the longest common word containing only y as a vowel. Gypsyfy, gypsyry, symphysy, nymphly, and nymphfly are as long or longer, but are not as common. The word twyndyllyngs, an archaic word for twin, has been cited by Guinness World Records as the longest, though it is not in OED.

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