Thursday, September 9, 2010


Something different for this Thursday, I think...

Today: Saint-Saëns - Carnival of the Animals...continued here and here (my favorite bits are probably Aquarium and Fossils, but it's all good).

Friday: Ravel - Pavane Pour Une Infante Défunte

Saturday: Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto no.2 (this is just the first movement, but it's played by the man himself).

Sunday: Debussy - Rêverie...well, it was either that or Clair de Lune.

Monday: Liszt - Un Sospiro

Tuesday: Philip Glass - The Hours...I know, I know, it's modern and it's from a soundtrack...but I think it is also very beautiful and calming.

Wednesday: Mozart - German Dance no.3 Have to end it on Mozart...but oh, the memories...I believe we have somewhere on home video the footage of my 5-year-old self throwing a massive tantrum to this song.  In a tutu.

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