Friday, June 25, 2010

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

I mentioned Alexandria in the ancient world several weeks ago when discussing the seven wonders.  I meant to say then that I am surprised the Library of Alexandria doesn't make that list.  And if you think libraries are boring then you clearly need to go check out the Bodleian in Oxford or the Trinity College Library in Dublin...or even the National Archives in DC.

Anywho.  The Royal Library of Alexandria is, for me, up there with the Titanic in my random-destructive-things-in-history-that-just-make-me-want-to-scream list.  This was apparently one of the largest centers for learning and information in the ancient world (although no one now knows how large it was, exactly, or how many original works it contained).  Also, no one knows when or how it was destroyed (that's how completely crap the people were who destroyed it were).  Julius Caesar may have done it when he set fire to the city of Alexandria, which would make me side with Brute...or perhaps the library burned in the third century AD by the hand of the Roman Emperor Aurelian or else by the Christian Patriarch Theophilus.  Possibly this scholars' refuge lasted into the Dark Ages but was destroyed in the 600s by an invading Arab army.

Either way...grrrr.  Think of all of the things that were lost!  Gah!  I don't know what else to say.

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