Today I woke up to a lizard in my room. Well, technically I woke up to Mom nudging me and saying she was going to get some coffee, and that she’d be back in a bit. I lay around for a bit, looking at the ceiling and listening to the sea, but eventually got up and took a shower to wake up. Emerging from the bathroom – dripping wet with just a towel for protection – I began rustling through my suitcase for something to wear when Monsieur Lizard jumped out at me! Well, technically not at me. But eep!
Actually, he’s pretty cool and we got along fine after I chased him into a corner and took a photo of him for proof when Mom gets back. Although, if she gets back soon, she will just be able to go to the corner. I really should find a way to make him go outside.
Really, though, this place is practically packed with wildlife, from the lizards to the fishes to the ducks and gulls. Okay that’s not packed, that’s pretty normal. I’d be worried if there weren’t any fish or gulls next to the sea. This is, though, the place of octopussian fame where a younger, more innocent Bess stood frolicking in the waves, only to encounter an eight-limbed cephalopod peering out of the shallows. And we wondered why she wasn’t more envious of our trip back to the beach.
The most prevalent form of wildlife appears to be the tourists, at least with a cursory glance. However, we haven’t yet nailed down another American touron family…it’s probably a bit early in the year, and we’ve mainly seen French, a few Brits, and one chipper group of Australians. Mom and I walked the path around the old fort before Brianna and co. got here, and everyone seems intent on one goal here: relaxing. There’s ice cream to be eaten, beach chairs to be sat in, various colorful drinks to be drank (drunk?), etc.
dearest sister. i've been sitting here after reading this post and chuckling to myself for about 5 minutes. i truly wish that i could have been there to see said "Monsieur Lizard". i have the image of you, wrapped in a towel, shrieking and doing that weird jumpy thing that you do when you're freaked out. for an example...see the trip up the mountain last year when the bugs dive-bombed you. but i am glad that you snapped a quick pic of our little lizard friend and i'm sure him and monsieur penguin would have gotten to be great amigos. hope you're having fun on your trip!
lots of <3
your hermana
oh and ps. that octopus was matter what mom says, it was NOT beautiful!
Other wildlife: patos patos patos
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