Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm hooome!

Actually, that's a complete lie. I'm about as far from home as one can get - sitting in the Philly airport next to tats girl, feeling tired and greasy, and out of bottled water and eye drops. I don't understand why planes dry one out so much. I think I've developed ten hangnails. Also, I'm writing this in the actual blog composer thing and not in a word document. Shocking.

So, yes! Very unsure about this whole home thing - I'm looking forward to seeing the family and friends and eating my favorite foods, but...I don't know. Maybe tats girl with her weird snack mix is making me negative. And I feel like I've left a lot of unfinished business in Oxford. Such as: making a groundbreaking discovery in a research lab, learning to play the guitar, etc. I guess I'll be back in the UK before I know it.

Um. Well, I keep getting drawn into these journal-like entries, even though I am fighting it tooth and claw. I'll just give the highlights of the last few days.

Finished essays, amaaazing. Met with Fiona, less amazing. But could have been worse.
Packed my entire room into two suitcases and two small overhead lockers, fell off a wheelie chair and scraped my face on the wall.
Said awkward goodbyes to the entire campus (Kalpana, Katie, John, Owen, etc., etc.).
Chilled out with Anya, ate Russian foods, and compared stereotypes of the British.
Fed ducks.
Witnessed Anya the avenging angel verbally abuse the taxi company into taking us to the bus station.
Ate breakfast with Dave at Carluccio's mmm.
Got (ironically) profiled and searched as a terrorist by a man in a turban. Just saying.
Almost got my own three-seat bench in coach, but then got put next to fat man and screaming baby.

Oh hey! Update from our captain: two hour delay because 1) an overhead bin is broken, and 2) there is a "maintenance problem" eww? Welcome back, me...


Alyssa said...


Love you and can NOT wait to see you.

Unknown said...


Not the way to start your journey home...sorry to hear of all your misfortunes. I guess my advice, not that you asked, when you go back home you start to realize that things are never as they use to be. I've never figured out if I was the one who changed or if it was others...probably a combo of both I guess. I think what it really means is that you are growing up and learning who you are and what others are not. Welcome back to the good ole US of A where the Steelers never seem to change and continue to play grind it out hard nose football...go Steelers, I just loved the way they beat the Cowboys :-)

Emily said...

yeah no it's good to be home. i feel a lot better after sleep and food (porridge!) and tea of course...and now it's time to unpack a bit and figure out how to resuscitate my phone.

Jenna Garber said...
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Jenna Garber said...

Emily, have a wonderful break at home! Give Bess a big hug for me and tell her to give YOU a big hug for me :)