Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Russian Life

Tonight, coming home on the T, a large and suspicious-looking man turned to me and asked, "Are you Russian?  I have a friend whose face is like yours."  To which I tersely replied, "No," and got off the train at the next stop.

But what he didn't know is that I have been channeling my inner Russian all day.  And that's because I've been being *social* - my inner Russian is a high-fashion, carmine-lipped force of nature who has a mesmerizing power over crowds, strangers, and close acquaintances, may occasionally offend but never alienates, is equipped with an uncanny ability to jump into the most esoteric of conversations with utmost ease, and will make a flawless entrance and an even better exit.  As an added bonus, the inner Russian may be just barely 5'2", but even the most hardened of criminals would think twice about following her down a dark alley, unless it was to offer her a light.

Yep, I loathe cocktail parties.  I hate that out-of-body experience I get where I can see myself surrounded by small groups of chatting people doing their best to ignore me.  I end up feeling very self-conscious about the things my ankles are doing, and my elbows.  I have no idea how to hold a full glass and a plate of hors d'oeuvres and actually eat the things that are on the plate without spilling the glass down my front.  I have a history of nervously chugging whatever is in the glass and then feeling more aware than ever about my wobbly ankles. 

And okay that may be a bit melodramatic.  But I signed up for two such events today and survived them both - passed both, even, with if not flying than certainly swiftly jogging colors - so I feel licensed to exaggerate the scene so as to make my victory all the more victorious.  Anyway, it's my blog.  And a Molotov cocktail for anyone who disagrees!

[Incidentally, I had a good time - both at the house party with Ang, people from work, and from Harvard and MIT, as well as at the girl's night in with Drea, people from church, and from BU and Berklee.  No new Facebook friends yet...but give me time.]

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