Friday, July 2, 2010


I bet you never considered your cheeks before.

Actually, I bet you did.  But I bet you never thought about how useful they were for your very survival.  I have, though.  I remember reading ages ago about how some animals - like mammals - have cheeks, while others - like fish and a lot of reptiles - don't.  Now I can't find where I read that, but when I type in "evolution of cheeks" to Google Scholar, a plethora of official looking articles confirm my foggy suspicion...cheeks are food bags made of face.

So if I didn't have cheeks, half of my pierogies would have ended up on the floor tonight, and while that may sound like an interesting - if disturbingly extreme - dieting tip for some, I personally quite like pierogies.  And cheeks.  And to hell with dieting.

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