Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Power of Tea Compels You

I haven't been too into science lately, but I am always into tea, and so here is some good solid evidence why that's not a bad thing.

Tea apparently has a lot of antioxidants - perhaps even more than certain fruits (I'm looking at you, blueberry). They come from tea flavenoids, and they stop free radicals from messing about and giving you cancer. More tea = less cancer.

Some rabid coffee drinker has probably come up to you at some point and told you, as they slurp down their venti doubleshot whatever, that coffee has less caffeine than tea. Well that may be true, pound-for-pound. But last time I checked, we drink those beverages, not eat them. At least, I haven't been snacking on tea leaves that I can recall. Sooo, because it takes fewer tea leaves than coffee grounds to make a cuppa, ipso facto, tea wins. Oh and furthermore, herbal teas have no caffeine at all.

Well those appear to be the biggies, but it's really just the tip of the iceberg.  Here's a list of other possible health benefits tea can provide (okay some of these sound ridiculous...blame Wikipedia): increased metabolism; lowered cholesterol; decreased risk of depression; weight loss; improved mental alertness; strengthened immune response; decreased stress response; protection against everything from diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease to warts and HIV; and it might be able to save you if you get bitten by a snake???  Also, tea is a cure for halitosis.

Just saying.

1 comment:

Connie R said...

I AM that rabid coffee drinker. Back off, tea lady.